After a long break comes director Seeman with Thambi starring Madhavan in the lead role. He plays the role of an angry young man fighting evils in the society.The movie has music by Vidyasagar, who seems to have continued his good run in recent times with Thambi too.
1. Poovanathil Maraam (Jeyachandran,Swarnalatha)
The start itself sets the tone. It is soft and smooth like Vanilla ice cream. After a long gap, Jeyachandra gets the right song to leave an impression with the audio-lovers.
2. Ennama Devi (Manikkam Vinayakam, Balesh)
What but an energetic song will Manikkam Vinayakam be entrusted with Balesh giving him company, he has sung a racy number which has a good mix of Carnatic music with rustic rural beats. The lyrics, which speak the need for promoting Tamil culture in today's society, bears the stamp of director Seeman.
3. Enn Kadhalai (Priya Subramani)
A song composed seemingly inspired by classical raga.
4. Sudum Nilavu (Unni Krishnan, Harini)
The pick of the album with Unni Krishnan at his best. A refreshing Unni Krishnan and an enthusiastic Harini have given their best.
5. Summa Kidantha (Karthik, Kalyani)
A romantic number that flows quite smoothly. Karthick is the singer of the season and he does his reputation no harm with a clinical and understanding rendering.
6. Kanava Endru (Madhushree)
Yet again a slow number but thanks to good harmony by Vidyasagar, the song counts.
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